lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

DEMOSTENES: En Herzliya, Israel expone su estrategia contra Irán

DEMOSTENES: En Herzliya, Israel expone su estrategia contra Irán

[1] «Hysteria at Herzliya» por Patrick J. Buchanan,, 31 de enero de 2007.

[2] «It’s 1938, and Iran is Germany, and it’s racing to arm itself with nuclear weapons. Same tendencies: to slander and vilify its victim in preparation for slaughter. Ahmedinijad takes his cue from Hitler, and no one cares. Every week he talks about erasing Israel from the map, and no one says anything. Sometimes the Jews don’t say that much. The big difference: is that Hitler embarked on the conflict and then tried to develop atomic weapons».

[3] «L’ancien Premier ministre israélien Netanyahu appelle à imposer des sanctions à l’Iran», Xinhua; «Netanyahu: Who will lead the effort against genocide, if not us?» por Gil Hoffman y «A Prime minister in wainting?» por Anshel Pfeffer, The Jerusalem Post,, 22 de enero de 2006.

[4] «Movilización sionista contra Irán», Réseau Voltaire, 17 de noviembre de 2006.

[5] «En suspenso guerra monetaria entre Estados Unidos e Irán», Réseau Voltaire, 19 de septiembre de 2006.

[6] «L’Iran est sur la défensive, selon un haut responsable américain», AFP, 21 de enero de 2007. «US Undersecretary of State Burns: We have to confront Iran» por Sasson Tiram, The Jerusalem Post, 22 de enero de 2006.

[7] «Shadow boxing with Iran» por Anshel Pfeffer y «Analysts optimistic that West will act» por Haviv Rettig, The Jerusalem Post, 22 de enero de 2006.

[8] «Iran with nuclear weapons will not be that easily deterred or detained. The threat to destroy a large civilian population in a second-strike is not an easy threat to make, and anyway, by then it’s too late. So when will Iran have a nuclear weapon? You can’t wait for all the evidence to take a decision.»

[9] «Precision attacks to critically damage the nuclear facilities, efficiently and quickly. B-2 bombers and cruise missiles can carry it out. Israel will have to do it if it’s clear that there is a existential threat. Israel must do it and this president will join in».

[10] «Experts at Herzliya Conference War of Global Jihad», Israel Faxx, 23 de enero de 2007.

[11] «The “Mutual Assured Destruction” is not a deterrent, but an inducement to him».

[12] «And if we use force, we should use it decisively, not execute some surgical strike on a single or two or three facilities. We need to destroy the power of the Vilayat al-Faqih if we are called upon and forced to use force against Iran».

[13] «I wish we had a partnership with Europe, but I am afraid it is deteriorating (…) Europe is accommodating Sharia and becoming increasingly affected by the Muslim demographics in their countries».

[14] «Peretz pousse son plan de paix avec les Palestiniens», Reuters y «Le ministre israélien de la Défense voit le Hamas comme un éventuel partenaire de négociations», Xinhua, 22 de enero de 2007. «Peretz hints at Hamas talks before conditions met» por Ori Porat, The Jerusalem Post, 23 de enero de 2007.

[15] «L’OTAN: Une alliance pour la liberté» por Cyril Capdevielle y « José-Maria Aznar est favorable à un bombardement du Liban par l’OTAN», Réseau Voltaire, 6 de diciembre de 2005 y 31 de julio de 2006.

[16] «Tzipi Livni pour une constitution israélienne», Comunicado de la Embajada de Israel en Francia, 29 de enero de 2007.

[17] La Bible du racisme ordinaire aux États-Unis: Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life por Charles Murray y Richard J. Herrnstein, Simon & Schuster Ltd, 1996. Ver «Le Manhattan Institute, laboratoire du néo-conservatisme» por Paul Labarique, Réseau Voltaire, 15 de septiembre de 2004.

[18] «[Why do Jews have a higher mean of intelligence? The simplest answer would be that Jews are God’s chosen people, but that would discredit all the scientific data and history of Jewish accomplishments »

[19] «Hoelein: Deligitimization of Israel rising among US elite» por Haviv Rettig, The Jerusalem Post, 23 de enero de 2007.

[20] «Natan Sharansky, idéologue de la démocratisation forcée», Réseau Voltaire, 24 de febrero de 2005.

[21] «Olmert: Nuclear Attack Not Imminent», Israel Faxx, 25 de enero de 2007.

[22] «Iranian support of Palestinian terror –through financial support, provision of weapons and knowledge, both directly and through Syria– Iranian assistance of terror in Iraq, the exposure of the capabilities which reached the Hizbullah from Iran during the fighting in Lebanon and the assistance which they offered just recently to Hamas, have demonstrated to many the seriousness of the Iranian threat».

[23] «As serious as the Iranian threat is, the threat of nuclear attack on Israel is by no means imminent».

[24] «This activity has created an opposing front, which includes, in varying intensities, all the permanent members of the UN Security Council; Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Egypt and Jordan; and other key countries in the West, such as Germany and Japan».

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