Missile Systems
Este es el blog DEMOSTENES,en recuerdo al general griego (no tiene vinculación con ningún web ni blog con similar nombre, ni tampoco con personas homónimas.Tiene fines didácticos, una sintética nota biográfica de Demóstenes y un busto en mármol que se encuentra en el Museo del Louvre. Yo soy el Viejo Cóndor, quien los llevará a través del tiempo y del espacio !!! Hasta pronto .... Disimular una falta con una mentira es reemplazar una mancha por un agujero. ARISTÓTELES .-
The Kh-25ML airborne tactical guided missile with a semi-active laser homing head is designed to engage small-sized tactical targets. It can be launched from a straight and level flight or from a dive at up to - 40° pitch angles. The missile features a semi-active laser guidance system, an impact target exploding device, and a shell-form penetrating warhead. The latter ensures enhanced lethality against targets hidden behind obstacles (in concrete/armoured concrete shelters and the like) and reduces ricochet angle limits when hitting the obstacles. ![]() On missile’s hitting the obstacle, its shell-forming charge generates a metallic core piercing the obstacle and making way for a combat penetrating element. The latter detonates behind the obstacle after some delay defeating targets inside it. The Kh-25ML missile makes part of weapon systems of Russian combat aircraft. It also can be adapted for employment from foreign-made aircraft. Basic Specifications
Thanks to its modular design the Kh-25ML missile has a great modernisation potential. Versions of the Kh-25ML baseline missile with different guidance systems are under development. Delivery SetThe Kh-25ML missile delivery set includes the following missile versions: Kh-25ML combat missile Kh-25MUL combat training missile Kh-25ML-UD functional training missile Kh-25ML-UR sectional training missile. Besides the above, the delivery set includes: • Operational documentation set • One-year group set of spare parts, tools and accessories (SPTA) • Single set of SPTA The missile operation is supported by the AKPA equipment set and a ground support equipment set. The optional services and works offered are the following: • personnel training and technical assistance in maintenance and repairs of the system • assistance in adapting the missile to different carriers • designer supervision, guarantee and post-guarantee servicing • activities on extending missile’s assigned service life, missile upgrading, etc. Developed and manufactured by Tactical Missiles Corporation |
The Kh-25MAE airborne tactical guided modular missile is intended for hitting of a wide ![]() Typical targets for this missile are small-tonnage ships, armor vehicles, aircrafts on the flying lines, light fortifications, storages of ammunition and fuels, oils and lubes, bridges, crossings, parts of production facilities and other objects. Basic Specifications
Developed and manufactured by T |
The Kh-25MSE multi-purpose missile is intended for hitting a wide range of surface and ![]() Typical targets are fixed and restrictedly moving objects with coordinates specified in Geographical Reference System. Airborne control system of the missile combines a navigation system, a receiver of navigation signals of space navigation system and a receiver of coastal station of differential corrections. Carriers: tactical attack aircrafts, ground-based and marine-based helicopters. Basic Specifications
![]() The Kh-29L / Kh-29TE air-to-surface missiles are intended for engagement of visually observed hardened ground and surface targets, such as big railway and highway bridges, industrial installations, concrete runways, aircraft in reinforced concrete shelters, surface vessels displacing up to 10,000 tons. The missiles are the weapons for multi-role fighters and attack aircraft. The Kh-29TE missile features passive TV guidance, and the Kh-29L – semi-active laser guidance by a reflected laser illumination spot. The missiles are fitted with a high explosive penetrating warhead and an impact target sensor. They are powered by a fixed-thrust solid-fuel rocket engine. Basic Specifications
The missiles are suspended from the carrier aircraft, launched in combat and jettisoned in emergency by means of the AKU-58AE air ejection unit. Developed and manufactured by State Machine-Building Design Bureau “Vympel” named after I.I. Toropov |
The Kh-59MK2 guided air-launched missile is ![]() The Kh-59MK2 missile can operate over any terrain, in any season in lighting environments of 10-3 – 105 lx. The missile can be operated with carrier-aircraft equipped with AKU-58-type aerial ejection system. ![]() Max launch range - 285 km Launch altitude range - 0.2 – 11 km Flight altitude - 50 – 300 m Flight speed - 900 – 1050 km/h Target aspect angle at missile launch - up to ± 45º Launch weight - up to 930 kg Length - 5.7 m Wingspan - 1.3 m Circular error probability (ECEP) - 3 - 5m Developed by “Raduga” State Machine-Building Design Bureau |
Kh-38ME Family of Air-Launched Short-Range Modular Missiles ![]() Air-launched modular missiles of the Kh-38ME family are intended for hitting armored, hardened, vulnerable ground targets and groups of targets as well as surface targets in littoral areas. This family of modular missiles provides extensive combat capabilities when used against a wide range of targets due to the variety of guidance systems and payloads. Guidance systems of the missiles are the following: Kh-38МLE - inertial + semi-active laser; Kh-38МАE – inertial + active radar; Kh-38МТE - inertial + imaging IR; Kh-38МKE - inertial + satellite navigation. The missile with the warhead of about 250 kg weighs up to 520 kg at launch. Its launch range is up to 40 km. Overall dimensions are as follows: - length – 4.2 m - body diameter – 0.31 m. The missiles of this family can arm both aircraft and helicopters of different types |
Rusia ha obtenido el derecho a realizar investigaciones geológicas en el Océano Mundial. El organismo internacional de la ONU sobre el fondo marino aprobó la petición rusa para la prospección de yacimientos de minerales preciados en la zona de la Cordillera Atlántica Media en el Océano Atlántico. Justo allí se encuentran grandes yacimientos submarinos de oro y cobre.
El interés de Rusia por los yacimientos de minerales en el Atlántico surgió hace más de 20 años. Durante muchos años allí trabajaban expediciones científicas rusas, que tomaban muestras de agua y de suelo del fondo. Luego, las reglas internacionales del trabajo en el fondo del Océano Mundial cambiaron.
Antes de pasar a los estudios geológicos, ahora es necesario recibir el asentimiento del organismo facultado por la ONU. Rusia pasó todos los trámites y recibió tal asentimiento, dijo Guergui Cherkashov, vicedirector del Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales del Océano Mundial y doctor en Biología y Mineralogía.
Ya hoy se sabe que la concentración de oro y cobre en rocas submarinas es de 5 a 10 veces mayor que en la superficie, recalca Gueorgui Cherkashov.
Nuestros datos testimonian que estas rocas son muy ricas en componentes como el cobre, cinc, plomo, oro y otros metales. Su contenido en estas rocas es mucho más alto que en los yacimientos continentales.